Always look for a command-line solution first · It is pretty standard in software development to work with large files at one point or another. Often...
Which System is Right? · Data syncing is a constantly underestimated problem. It seems very easy on the face of it. If you have and control System A, it...
A steeping stone to Algebraic Data Types · I have had to take a data structure multiple times in my career and go from version 1 to version 2. Most...
"Able and willing to help with this ticket?" a Senior Director slacked me. The ticket was simple. Find an internal field and expose it for the API....
One of the ideas that fascinate me is incremental improvement. Often small improvements are easily overlooked and ignored instead of implemented. If...
...and is magic · I came across a snippet of javascript code today to add commas to a number. let commaNum = numStr.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,...